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Theresa Hannig »Parts Per Million – Gewalt ist eine Option«

In the organizer's words:

Reading, talk, book premiere
Moderated by Jens Lubbadeh

A climate fiction thriller about the future of climate activism, exciting, critical and topical. Author Johanna Stromann wants to write a novel about climate activists. But the research proves to be dangerous, as the state tries to suppress the protests with violence. Soon it is no longer possible for Johanna to remain neutral on the sidelines and simply document the events. On the contrary: it doesn't go far enough for her. When the majority of climate groups were banned and their members sentenced to prison, she and the remaining activists founded the group "Parts Per Million" to bring the perpetrators of the climate catastrophe to justice. By any means necessary.

In cooperation with Fischer Tor
This content has been machine translated.


Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus Chausseestraße 125 10115 Berlin

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