PHOTO: © Medienzentrum Rheinland Stefan Arendt

Intellektuelle Rechtsextremisten – Strategien und Gefahrenpotenzial der „Neuen Rechten“

In the organizer's words:

Intellectual right-wing extremists - strategies and potential dangers of the "new right"
The threat to democracy is not only posed by acts of extremist violence or relevant election results. Above all, it is also prepared and accompanied by intellectual discourse, political framing and a gradual delegitimization and disparagement of democratic norms and rules.
This strategy can currently also be observed among right-wing extremist intellectuals, who are commonly referred to as the "New Right".
These actors see themselves as ideological trailblazers of a social shift to the right that aims to translate authoritarian nationalist ideas into real politics.
The actors of the "New Right" have long since left the back rooms and established strategic and continuously operating dissemination centers with the "Institute for State Policy", the Antaios publishing house, the magazine "Sezession", the Desiderius Erasmus Foundation and many other channels.
Extremism expert Armin Pfahl-Traughber shows how the "New Right" systematically delegitimizes democratic views in order to create the intellectual and theoretical conditions for political change. He analyzes their potential dangers, intellectual role models, ideological positions, relevant publication organs, networks and strategies.

Prof. Dr. Armin Pfahl-Traughber, born in 1963, political scientist and sociologist, is a full-time lecturer at the Federal University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration in Brühl. He pointed out the phenomenon back in the 1990s in his book Konservative Revolution und Neue Rechte (Conservative Revolution and the New Right ). His new book Intellectual Right-Wing Extremists. Das Gefahrenpotenzial der Neuen Rechten continues this research. Pfahl-Traughber writes regularly on this topic for Humanistischer Pressedienst and the internet portal Endstation rechts. Together with Hendrik Hansen, he publishes the Yearbook for Extremism and Terrorism Research at the Federal University of Applied Sciences. His work focuses on anti-Semitism, extremism, the history of ideas, religion, terrorism and totalitarianism. He is a member of the advisory board of the Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance and was a member of both Independent Working Groups on Anti-Semitism of the German Bundestag.

A joint event by DA! and Respekt und Mut.
Moderation: Eva Creutz

Recording: Ricarda Hinz

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Price information:

Admission: 10.- / reduced: 5.- for DA! members, pupils, students, Düsselpass holders


Stadtmuseum Berger Allee 2 40213 Düsseldorf

Organizer | Event Series

Humanistischer Salon des Düssedorfer Aufklärungsdienst e.V. Köln

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