Readings, Stand-Up & Discussions in Düsseldorf

Here you will find all the events in Düsseldorf where the spoken word is in the foreground: lectures, readings, travel reports, stand-up comedy, talks, discussions, poetry slams, speeches, literary evenings, radio plays and basically everything that can take place between thoughts and words. Prose, pageantry and prosecco. Click through!

Book readings, literature, poetry slam, lectures, stand-up comedy, talks and reports in Düsseldorf

Explore Düsseldorf's lively literary scene: from book readings to author readings to poetry slams - thrilling and inspiring evenings with established authors and up-and-coming talents await you here. Let yourself be enchanted by their texts and stories and immerse yourself in the fascinating world of literature. We also have a varied program for fans of stand-up comedy and talks. Enjoy first-class comedy or embark on a journey to distant places and unknown adventures during reports and talks. Experience the literary and entertaining side of Düsseldorf!