Wissenschaft im Sauriersaal: Von der Natur lernen - Wie die akustischen Tarnkappen von Nachtfaltern uns beim Lärmschutz helfen

In the organizer's words:

As part of the Science in the Dinosaur Hallevent series, the Faculty of Life Sciences at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin invite you to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of science in the ambience of the Dinosaur Hall.

Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to visit the museum's exhibitions.

Information about the event

  • Topic: Learning from nature - How the acoustic camouflage caps of moths help us with noise protection
  • Speaker: Prof. Marc Holderied (University of Bristol)
  • Registration via Eventbrite.
This content has been machine translated.


Museum für Naturkunde Berlin Invalidenstraße 43 10115 Berlin

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