sankt peter is a youth culture church (the only one of its kind) where you are welcome regardless of your faith or sexual orientation.
We are a place of creative services to try out church in a different way.
We also offer anonymous online counseling peer to peer.
In addition to various events, such as theater performances, performances, dance performances, poetry slams and many other cultural save spaces, you can also take part in various workshops on literature, film/photography, media, movement and art in general.
We are also very well known for our legendary Konfi parties.
The only requirement for participation: fun and interest.
Brotfabrik Frankfurt
VenueBatschkapp Frankfurt
Venuemyticket Jahrhunderthal…
VenueNachtleben Frankfurt
VenueDas Bett
VenueAlte Oper
Venuenetzwerk seilerei
VenueFesthalle Frankfurt
VenueCLUB myticket Jahrhund…
VenueNeue Kaiser
VenueFreigut Frankfurt Event…
VenueDr. Hoch's Konservatori…
VenueKasino myticket Jahrhun…