The tim is a museum where visitors can experience history. The four M's await them: Man-Machine-Pattern-Fashion.
It is about people whose lives were radically changed by the industrial age. Visitors can learn about the eventful history of workers, influential entrepreneurs and bankers.
The tim museum factory is set up in the historic shed halls of the AKS. Here, historical looms clatter alongside modern high-tech machines and produce items such as the tim locksmith's cloth and the Fugger barchent.
The center of the permanent exhibition is home to national cultural assets. The unique pattern book collection of the Neue Augsburger Kattunfabrik (NAK). It reflects over 200 years of design and fashion made in Augsburg. The renowned Atelier Brückner has staged these fabric samples from the 1780s to the 1990s. Graces over four metres high serve as an interactive projection surface for visitors and impressively translate the digitized fabric samples into the third dimension.
A separate catwalk is reserved for fashion at tim. From Biedermeier to Strenesse dresses. The tim offers an exciting journey through the history of fashion and costume over the past 200 years.
However, tim not only looks back into the past, but also shows exciting developments in the textile world of today and tomorrow. In the high-tech area, everything revolves around completely new areas of application. From intelligent clothing and artificial muscle to products made of carbon, the tim shows the future opportunities for Bavaria as a business location.
This content has been machine translated.Geöffnet: Heilige Drei Könige (6.1.), Karfreitag, Ostermontag, Christi Himmelfahrt, Pfingstmontag, Fronleichnam, Augsburger Hohes Friedensfest (8.8.), Mariä Himmelfahrt (15.8.), Tag der deutschen Einheit (3.10.), Allerheiligen (1.11.), 2. Weihnachtstag (26.12.)
Geschlossen: Neujahr (1.1.), Faschingsdienstag, Maifeiertag (1.5.), Heiligabend (24.12.), 1. Weihnachtstag (25.12.), Silvester (31.12.)
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