Step into the magical world of The Upside Down! On over 3,000 square meters in more than 40 themed rooms in Amsterdam and Berlin, we help you escape from everyday life.
In our adventure museum, touching is not only allowed, it's encouraged! Get ready for interactive, breathtaking rooms full of optical illusions, upside-down backdrops and great photo backdrops that not only look great on your feed, but also spark your creativity. You're right in the middle of the action here, exploring colorful spaces that turn your perspective upside down and pay tribute to the city you're in in a modern way.
The Upside Down is about more than just your visit. We want you to have an experience that inspires you to get creative and that you can share with your friends to create lasting memories! Are you ready to explore your creativity, feel the positive energy and have an unforgettable time? Then join us at The Upside Down and let's create something magical together!
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