The Cologne Comedy Club takes place at Club Subway in Cologne and is a monthly comedy mixed show with a constantly changing line-up of comedians. The show is hosted by Tobi Freudenthal from Cologne, who is known as the host of the Quatsch Comedy Club, comedian at NightWash and organizer of the open mic "Killer Comedy Cologne".
The line-up at the Cologne Comedy Club Show changes with every show and presents top comedians from all over Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The line-up of the Cologne Comedy Club Show #12 is once again awesome and will make you laugh:
---> Maria Clara Groppler, Thomas Schmidt, Claudius Pläging, Vincent Tophoven
The Cologne Comedy Club and the Subway are looking forward to everyone who comes to laugh in our Comedy Clubkeller and have a great evening with good comedians.
Come around, laugh, drink and party with us afterwards if you feel like it. The Comedy Club in the heart of Kölle is looking forward to seeing you. Kölle - See you, we wish you lots of fun and celebrate the diverse comedy scene in Cologne with us - funny stories and pointed jokes await you.
Admission: from 19:00 / Start: 20:00
In the heart of Cologne, not only the Cologne Comedy Club in Club Subway awaits you, but also a lively comedy scene characterized by numerous events and performances. From open mic nights to big comedy events, the city offers a diverse selection for comedy lovers. Experience the hilarious atmosphere in renowned comedy clubs and cultural venues that regularly host top-class comedians. Let yourself be carried away by the funny stories and pointed jokes and enjoy unforgettable moments full of laughter and entertainment. There really is always something on offer for comedy fans in Cologne!
1. what is the Cologne Comedy Club?
The Cologne Comedy Club is a series of events in Cologne that offers a mixture of comedy, music and other creative performances.
2. where and when does the Cologne Comedy Club take place?
The Cologne Comedy Club takes place at Club Subway in Cologne. The dates vary, so it is advisable to check the current event dates on Rausgegangen or the club's social media.
3. what kind of comedy is presented at the Cologne Comedy Club?
A diverse range of comedy styles are presented at Cologne Comedy Club, including stand-up comedy, improv and comedy music.
4. is there a fixed line-up or do the comedians change for each show?
The line-up at the Cologne Comedy Club changes with every show and features top comedians from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
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