Our team

Hi, there. It's us. We're glad you're stopping by our website - To make sure you know who is finding the best events in Cologne, Berlin, Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Munich, Dortmund, Mannheim, Heidelberg, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Leipzig & Bremen for you every day, we would like to introduce ourselves. Here you can get to know our whole Rausgegangen-Team and learn more about our personal Rausgegangen experiences, favorite stores and insider tips for your city through short profiles.

Sophie H.

Plattform Account Managerin in Berlin, dabei seit November 2023
Bestes Rausgeh-Erlebnis:

Sam Smith 2023 in der Mercedes-Benz Arena

Bester Drink meines Lebens: 

Basil Smash geht einfach immer


brauche Abwechslung, deshalb großer Fan von Playlists

Meistgeguckte Serie:   

This is Us

Lieblingsladen in deiner Stadt:   

Food: The Fiuty, Coffee: Café Neue Liebe, Drinks: Wohnzimmerbar

Mein Geheimtipp:     

die veganen Dumplings bei Mitho Cha!