PHOTO: © Rundgang Geschichte des Ortes (c) Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss, Foto: Frank Sperling

Auf den Spuren der Geschichte. Führung zur Geschichte des Ortes

In the organizer's words:

The site where today's Humboldt Forum stands has a long and eventful history: Hohenzollern residence, parade ground, Palace of the Republic, and great meadow - it has always been a venue of special political significance in the midst of Berlin, and at the same time one of artistic expression. Which themes and objects still remind us of the past and the various historical events today? And what do they say about the history of the place? The overview tour encourages discussion of historical images and their impact in the present. Based on selected stops and objects, it offers an insight into the history of the site from the time of the electors, kings and emperors to the debate about the demolition of the Palace of the Republic and illustrates the diverse use of the site in different times.

Additional information: Duration: 60 min. ages 14 and up. Language: German. Group size: max. 25 people

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Humboldt Forum Schloßplatz 10178 Berlin