PHOTO: © El Flecha Negra

El Flecha Negra (DE / Südamerika) [VVK+AK]

In the organizer's words:
Start 20.30 // VVK 20.-, B.O. 23.- // VVK: Link-Eventfrog

With El Flecha Negra (The Black Arrow), many different sources flow together to form a great
great musical river that takes the listener on a journey. Wild and captivating, rich in
stories and impressions and with a clear goal: to create feelings of happiness!
South American roots meet Caribbean lightness, staggering chicha guitars meet crystal-clear trumpet phrases.
crystal clear trumpet phrases. The whole thing is crowned by the polyphonic vocals of the musicians who
with fiery messages and infectious, positive charisma on stage.
Their songs are about wishes and dreams, about departure and travel. El Flecha Negra
plead for open borders, they celebrate the freedom to be wherever they want and demand this right for all people.
right for all people.
If you listen carefully to the Flecha Fiestas, you will hear many little stories about what made the boys
to what they are today: Musicians with a lot of heart and plenty of arrows in their

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