PHOTO: © Arnaud Ele

Festival ACROSS - Familienmasken-Workshop mit Michael Rauter

In the organizer's words:

[English further below]

Family mask workshop
"Cardboard monsters" with Michael Rauter
- for children (6 to 11 years) and parents

The days are getting shorter, the nights longer. But don't be afraid! You can make your own monster! It can be friendly, funny or scary. The monster is your very special friend under the bed, to whom you can tell all your secrets before going to sleep. Quite monstrous! You can even become a monster yourself, because the monster is...a mask! Are you older than six and can handle scissors and glue? Then come along! Bring your parents, bring your friends, and if you've already made a drawing of your favorite monster at home, bring it too! (And maybe some clothes that can get dirty, you never know...)

To register, please ask your parents to send us an email to (And if they don't, just become a monster yourself for a moment, then they'll type very quickly...) Participation in the workshop is free of charge.

About Michael


Family mask workshop
"Cardboard Monsters" with Michael Rauter
- for children (ages 6 to 11) and parents

The days are getting shorter, the nights longer. But don't be afraid! You can make your own monster! It can be friendly, funny or scary. It's your special friend under the bed who you can tell all your secrets to before you go to sleep. Quite monstrous! You can even turn into a monster yourself, because the a mask! Are you older than six and can handle scissors and glue? Then come along! Bring your parents, bring your friends, and if you've already made a drawing of your favorite monster at home, then bring that one along, too! (And maybe some clothes that can get dirty, one never knows...)

To register please ask your parents to send us an email at if they won't do it, just quickly turn into a monster, they'll type really fast...) Participation in the workshop is free of charge.

About Michael

This content has been machine translated.


Galerie Wedding Müllerstraße 146/147 13353 Berlin

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