PHOTO: © Landesstelle für die nichtstaatlichen Museen in Bayern

TRANSITIONS. Jüdische Perspektiven auf die Gegenwart

In the organizer's words:

In a time of change, nine international Jewish artists offer new perspectives on the changing world with their artworks

Our society is currently experiencing a time of upheaval and change. We need to reshape the future. Against this backdrop, the exhibition presents seven works by international Jewish artists that examine the state of the "in-between" and explore its potential.

How do the current changes affect our everyday lives? How does coexistence work in a pluralistic and digitalized world? How can traditions be preserved? And what role does the public culture of remembrance play in successful coexistence?

In addressing these questions, the exhibition not only combines a wide range of media, from video works and photographs to sound works. The works also reflect the fact that there are also different positions on current developments and discourses within the Jewish community. What unites all the artists is their will to tackle social change together and in a variety of ways.

Participating artists: Liliana Farber (Uruguay/USA), Eduard Freudmann (Austria), Oree Holban (Israel), Nikolay Karabinovych (Ukraine/Belgium), Nicolás Melmann (Argentina/Germany), Carlos Metta (Mexico), Elianna Renner (Switzerland/Germany), Aaron Samuels (USA), Hadas Tapouchi (Israel/Germany)

An exhibition by "Dagesh - Jewish Art in Context" in cooperation with the Jewish Museum Augsburg Swabia

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Price information:

Full price 6,00 € | Reduced 3,00 € | Kultursozialticket 1,00 € | Children up to 6 years free | Deutscher Museumsbund, ICOM free |

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