Was ist Realität? Mit Markus Gabriel

In the organizer's words:

There are few living philosophers who can claim to have left their mark on an entire school of thought. The so-called New Realism is one such movement. And one of its heads is the specialist in epistemology Markus Gabriel. Weiland is the youngest professor in Germany and has published a number of important books for the academic sphere and a broad readership. He presented his first philosophical bestseller "Why the world does not exist" at the first phil.COLOGNE.
at the first phil.COLOGNE.
Time for a fundamental questioning: Has the world reappeared? What new findings influence his current research? Where can society and politics benefit from philosophical considerations? Markus Gabriel leans over the map table of reality and provides information in conversation with Cai Werntgen.

This content has been machine translated.


BALLONI Ehrenfeldgürtel 96 50823 Köln

Organizer | Festival

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