Alex Capus
PHOTO: © Mergime Nocaj

Alex Capus

2 Follower:innen
0 Events

In the artist's words:

Alex Capus, born in Normandy in 1961, now lives in Olten. He writes novels, short stories and reportage. He was awarded the Solothurn Art Prize 2020, among others, for his literary work. Hanser has published Léon und Louise (novel, 2011), Fast ein bisschen Frühling (novel, 2012), Skidoo (Meine Reise durch die Geisterstädte des Wilden Westens, 2012), Der Fälscher, die Spionin und der Bombenbauer (novel, 2013), Mein Nachbar Urs (Geschichten aus der Kleinstadt, 2014), Seiltänzer (Hanser Box, 2015), Reisen im Licht der Sterne (novel, 2015), Das Leben ist gut (novel, 2016), Königskinder (novel, 2018) and Susanna (novel, 2022).

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