"Oh yes, I've always wanted to go there for years. Good that you reminded me" or "Yes, really tasty there. I really must show my visitor from home next weekend." - These seem to be the two most common answers you get when you ask Munich residents or long-time locals if they've ever eaten at Blue Nile.

A cozy and varied evening with African food at Blue Nile is always a good idea. In what are now two locations, both in Schwabing, you are served the most delicious Ethiopian food in an almost informal atmosphere. And the special thing is that you can - or almost should - eat it with your hands. How does it work? With the help of delicious and very special sourdough bread. The flatbreads are great for dipping into sauces, vegetable and meat dishes.

The menu offers a wide selection, but it is recommended that you either order a plate with a mixture of dishes for yourself or share a large one with several people. This is the best way to get to know the variety of Ethiopian cuisine. Not to be forgotten is the typical drink called tej (pronounced "tetsch"). An Ethiopian honey wine that is enjoyed from a kind of glass flask. This, the special way of using the most natural cutlery in the world and the extremely friendly waiters make for a wonderful evening. This can only be topped off with desserts such as mango cream with yoghurt or sweet millet with coconut milk, cardamom and cinnamon.

Reservations are recommended, as "Blue Nile" has long since ceased to be an insider tip.

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