Is it cold, uncomfortable, rainy or at least not a balmy summer night outside? Then imagine you're sitting in a red velvet armchair, the hall lights are going dark and you're enjoying a wonderful evening.

You feel uplifted and inspired by what you see, you are swept away and for a brief moment you are transported from cold Munich into a completely different world. Perhaps you find yourself in the 1930s or in the midst of a true love tragedy. Or maybe both.

Whatever you have in mind for your little escape from everyday life, the Bavarian State Opera is sure to have something suitable!

The Bavarian State Opera is in the middle of its current season and has a number of performances worth seeing in the coming months that you should mark in your calendar here and now so that you don't miss anything.

We took a look at what the program has to offer and collected our highlights of the Bavarian State Opera in the coming months for you!

But before we get started, here's Very Good News for everyone under 30: performances marked <30 in the opera's schedule can be seen - watch out! - for just €10! That's crazy, isn't it!

For the record: That means you get tickets for all our highlights for only 10 € and still have free choice of seats when booking! WE LIKE!

The devils of Loudun

Between love, obsession & religious madness, "The Devils of Loudun" is a true story from the year 1634. Jeanne, the head of a nunnery, falls in love with the priest and heartthrob Grandier. However, her chances are slim - so she decides to accuse Grandier of being the devil, associating him with fornication and abuse. Who will be believed more in the end?

The director Simon Stone is even known from Netflix: He made the movie "The Excavation" there last year - how cool is that?

After the performance on March 11, you can talk to the brass players of the Bavarian State Orchestra and ask questions in the RHEINGOLD bar-bistro.

© Wilfried Hösl

🎭 Opera, 1969, Krzysztof Penderecki
⏰ 11.03. / 14.03. at 19:30 & 16.03. at 19:00
📍 National Theater

All information about the play "The Devils of Loudun"!

Ariadne on Naxos

Ariadne is abandoned by her beloved Theseus on the island of Naxos - full of heartache and without hope, she waits only for the messenger of death. Even all attempts by the three nymphs Naiad, Dyrade and Echo to cheer her up with words, song or dance fail in vain. After the arrival of the god Bacchus, a legendary transformation takes place - find out what happens next!

© Wilfried Hösl

🎭 Opera, 1916, Richard Strauss
⏰ Sun, 26.03.2023 from 7:00 pm - 9:15 pm
📍 National Theater

All information about the play "Ariadne auf Naxos"!

Tristan and Isolde

Knight Tristan travels to Ireland to bring his uncle the king's daughter Isolde as his bride. On the way, the two experience an irrepressible love and attraction - triggered by a potion they have inadvertently consumed. When they are caught in flagrante delicto, Tristan is injured and has to flee to his homeland. Will they find their way back to each other?

The anniversary exhibition in the Friends Foyer of the Nationaltheater brings the history of the Bavarian State Orchestra to life. 45 minutes before the performance begins, there will be an introduction to the wood trumpet and bass clarinet in A.

© Wilfried Hösl

🎭 Opera, 1865, Richard Wagner
⏰ Thu, 6.04.2023 from 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
📍 National Theater

All information about the play "Tristan and Isolde"!

The Freischütz

Fear of failure and the pressure to perform stand in the way of Max's happiness in love and life. If he hits the test shot, the hand of the prince's daughter and the forester's lodge will be his. If he misses the shot, then... No, missing is not an option! The only chance Max sees is to make a diabolical pact... Determined, Max grabs the seven magic free bullets that never miss their target. So far, so good, but on the seventh, the devil demands a human sacrifice... Will the dark prophecies come true?

After the performance you can talk to the string quartet of the Bavarian State Orchestra in the RHEINGOLD bar-bistro and ask questions. Hanna Asieieva, Anna Maija Hirvonen (violin), Anna Lysenko (viola) & Darima Tcyrempilova (cello) will be there.

© Wilfried Hösl

🎭 Opera, 1821, Carl Maria von Weber
⏰ Sat, 22.04.2023 from 7:00 pm - 9:15 pm
📍 National Theater

All information about the play "Der Freischütz"!

La traviata

In search of distraction from her illness, high-class prostitute Violetta Valéry throws herself into an exciting life in Paris. Luxury and exuberance are only a pretense, however, as the misery of her unstoppable illness cannot be permanently masked by Parisian splendor. "She who has lost her way" is probably the best description of Violetta Valéry - the play is definitely a must-see!

© Wilfried Hösl

🎭 Opera, 1853, Giuseppe Verdi
⏰ Wed, 26.04.2023 from 19:00 - 22:05
📍 National Theater

All information about the play "La traviata"!

Hanjo - Yes, May Festival

At the "Ja, Mai Festival", the Bavarian State Opera will once again focus on music theater, dance and visual arts in 2023. Themes such as waiting, the passing of time, the question of letting go or holding on and the various dimensions of time are the subject here - we can relate!

To do this, we take a detour to Japan for a load of inspiration from traditional No theater: the play "Hanjo" is a work by contemporary composer Toshio Hosokawa. The visual artist Rirkrit Tiravanija has taken on the design of the stage space. We are excited to see what awaits us, but one thing is for sure: different artistic disciplines working together? We love it!

The premiere is on Friday, 05.05.2023 at 19.00 hrs.

🎭 Opera, 2004, Toshio Hosokawa
⏰ 05.05. / 08.05. / 10.05. / 12.05. at 19:00 & 14.05. at 14:00
📍 House of Art, West Gallery

All information about the play "Hanjo"!

Il ritorno / The year of magical thinking - Yes, May Festival

Deep dive into the history of the genre: one of the first operas ever - Monteverdi's Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria - plays the leading role in "Il ritorno / The Year of Magical Thinking"! In a duet with an autobiographical text by the US writer Joan Didion, who died in 2021, a very special work has been created that you should see at the Ja, Mai! Festival should see! The Residenztheater, the award-winning drama director Christopher Rüping & the Monteverdi Continuo Ensemble are also involved in this new production. Collaboration at its best!

The premiere will take place on 07.05.2023 - one more reason to go!

© Harley Weir

🎭 Opera, 1640, Claudio Monteverdi
⏰ 07.05. / 09.05. / 11.05. / 13.05. / 16.05. / 18.05. at 7:30 pm
📍 Cuvilliéstheater

All information about the play "Il ritorno / The Year of Magical Thinking"!

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