Want to find out more about Munich or your own neighborhood? Then simply follow one of the KulturGeschichtsPfade trails that can be found in many city districts.

Where aren't we all walking right now: to the Isar, to the parks, to the nearest takeaway coffee. If that's getting a bit boring, why not play tourist in your own city for a change and follow one of the many KulturGeschichtsPfade (CultureHistoryTrails)? More than 20 city districts have now put together tours along historically significant places and events in their neighborhoods, developed walking routes and compiled everything worth knowing in a brochure. Small plaques on street signs along the routes help you to find out whether you are still on the right path.

In terms of content, the KulturGeschichtsPfade naturally deal a lot with urban history (How did the villages to the right of the Isar become part of Munich?), but more recent history also has its place here, as do personalities who have had a lasting impact on Munich. So if you are interested in history or Munich in general, or if you simply like to show off your knowledge to others - and who doesn't - then a KulturGeschichtsPfad could definitely add variety to your walking game.

Admittedly, the handling is a bit cumbersome: the route maps and the brochures with all the information are available online and free of charge as a PDF, but for a relaxed tour you would almost have to print both out or read everything from a small cell phone screen. Normally, you can also get the KulturGeschichtsPfade brochure at the "Museums & Castles in Bavaria" info point in the Alter Hof, but it is currently closed due to the coronavirus. Our tip: ideally print out the route plan and take a tablet with you for the information brochure (if available), but you can of course also use your cell phone.

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