All too often at lunchtime, we find that our lack of planning when it comes to food turns into a very lazy story: anything that's quick or anything that's available at the bakery. Nothing against sandwiches, but sometimes we would prefer a really healthy meal. Without having to spend the whole lunch break in the kitchen, of course. Do you feel the same way? Then you might be interested in the Vegan Lunch Date.

Status: 19.03.2021

The motto of Vegan Lunch Date is: food that makes you happy because it is healthy, climate-friendly and delicious. The food comes to you in a kind of bento box - whether at the office or at home. What is delivered in the box changes daily. The various dishes are prepared using regional, seasonal and 100% plant-based ingredients. The menu includes, for example, empanadas with leek, spinach and potato, burgers in a handy format, zucchini spaghetti with cherry tomatoes, creamy lemon sauce and pinoli and much more. The menu always consists of a side dish, main course and dessert.

© Luba Schwirtz

How does it work?

As the whole thing is a pop-up project for the time being, you can still order the boxes to your home or office until 19.03.2021 or pick them up yourself from "Josef" in the Glockenbachviertel. The current delivery area for Vegan Lunch Dates currently includes everything within the Mittlerer Ring. You can see the current weekly menu on the Vegan Lunch Date homepage and can also order directly there. A box costs 15 euros including delivery, but there are volume discounts - for example if you order for the whole team or more often. As the boxes are a reusable system, you have to pay a deposit of 15 euros when you place your first order, but this will be refunded when you return the box. After the three-week test phase, it will soon continue and you can make regular lunchtime appointments with a vegan box.

© Vegan Lunch Date

Who is behind it?

The brains behind Vegan Lunch Date are Tereza Pavouková, Marion Obermaier and Martina Brunner. The three founders know from their own experience that good nutrition is often neglected in stressful office and home office life and now want to change that: The dishes are freshly prepared by Tereza Pavouková, who most recently cooked for the vegetarian gourmet restaurant Tian, among others, and is very familiar with vegan cuisine.

© Vegan Lunch Date

Co-founder Martina Brunner hopes that the project will bring healthy eating closer to as many people as possible. And Marion Obermaier believes that food porn should not only make a career for itself on Instagram & Co. but also on plates at home. With their concept, which is not only intended to give people a clear conscience but also to reduce waste, they are definitely a good, albeit somewhat more expensive, alternative to going to the bakery.

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