There are various ascent options for the second highest peak in the Chiemgau Alps. We opted for the somewhat more challenging northern ascent.

First stage: From the hiking parking lot in Staudach to the Schnappenkirche church

Instead of taking the easy, albeit long, hike from Marquartstein via the Hochgernhaus to the summit, we choose the northern ascent. We start at the hiking parking lot in Staudach. A little way along the road, we realized that the direct route via the Stauchacher Alm was closed. We therefore had to take a detour via the Schnappenkirche, a small chapel. But it doesn't matter, because once you arrive here, you have your first beautiful view of Lake Chiemsee.

Via the Staudacher Alm steeply up towards the summit

Continue comfortably along the forest path until you reach the road that leads you to the Staudacher Alm. From here, the route continues in a relaxed manner across the flat alpine terrain until you reach the most strenuous section of the hike: A steep ascent up narrow hairpin bends that ends in a saddle. But you will be rewarded for the effort, because not only do the surrounding rocks look impressive, but once we reach the top, we can already see our destination, the summit. We keep to the left and cross the western slope of the Hochgern until we finally reach the small summit chapel after about 30 more minutes via the flattening summit slope. What a view!

What we particularly like, apart from the spectacular view: The summit ridge is so wide that there is enough space for all hikers to take a relaxed break. After the strenuous ascent and the 1,150 meters of altitude covered, a bike and a snack are now very, very important. Otherwise, keep your face in the sun and enjoy yourselves before slowly descending along the same route.

Directions & Co: What you need to know

Directions: By car, take the A8 to Bernau. Then continue towards Grassau and then Staudach. From Bahnhofstraße, turn right into Marquartsteiner Straße and then right again into Hochgernstraße until you reach the Staudach hiking parking lot.

Difficulty: The northern ascent requires surefootedness in some places. For those who prefer a more leisurely approach, we recommend the ascent from Marquartstein via the Hochgernhaus to the summit.

Duration of the tour in total: approx. 5.5 hours

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