It used to be long club nights that started in the old town. First, we had a bite to eat in the Spezlwirtschaft and then it was off to the Crux. Both are a thing of the past - at least in the old town. But you don't have to miss out on the good food at the Spezlwirtschaft - you can even choose between two restaurants: one in Haidhausen and one in Sendling.

Hip-hop and the Bavarian economy - do they go together? It does, and the Spezlwirtschaft is the best example of this. After all, only hip-hop is played here, while the food and ambience clearly signal "pub". The simple chairs and heavy wooden tables invite you to feel at home here immediately. There is also friendly and down-to-earth service, high-quality and affordable food and good drinks. What more do you really need?

© Annette Sandner

The menu: traditional meets vegan

Despite being an "established restaurant", the menu has a surprise or two in store: kohlrabi schnitzel for vegetariansand vegans, for example. The classic meatballs or the baked roast beef will make all fans of traditional Bavarian cuisine happy. Add freshly tapped beer (Franziskaner or Löwenbräu) and the foundation for a good evening is laid. By the way, the Spezlwirtschaft attaches great importance to regional cuisine. The restaurant clearly positions itself against convenience food and in favor of homemade food.

© Annette Sandner

Spezl-Frühshoppen on Sunday

There are not many differences between the Haidhausen and Sendling pubs. Nevertheless, there are one or two differences on the weekly and standard menus, which might make it tempting to visit the other location. In Haidhausen, for example, the Spezl-Frühschoppen awaits you every Sunday. You can start the day there from 10 am for 18.50 euros. Or banish your hangover - depending on the location.

© Munich With Us

Wine list from Sommerlier and co-owner Philipp Hanrieder

Regionality is also the focus of the wines. 70 percent of the wines served at Spezl Wirtschaft come from Germany, the rest from Austria and Italy. The wine list is carefully curated, as co-owner Philipp Hanrieder did not do his summer training in vain, in the truest sense of the word. Fittingly, he has also opened a small wine store called Vino Infernale at Kochelseestraße 8 in Sendling. So if you run out of your favorite bottle at the Spezlwirtschaft, you can buy it there. And with this in mind, we say true to the Spezlwirtschaft motto: "Yes to tradition, yeah to progress"!

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