In addition to a short hut hike, do you fancy all kinds of activities at your destination and want a guarantee of a refreshing Almdudler? Then the tour to the Schliersbergalm is just right for you. Another plus point: if you don't have a car, you can easily travel there by Bavarian regional train.

Whether with the family including small children or if you fancy a bit of a view without too much effort - the Schliersbergalm offers a great and, above all, varied destination. After you have mastered the approximately one-hour ascent, you can look forward to comfortable Almdudler loungers, a mini golf course, delicious food and much more.

Approach & hike

The starting point of the hike is at Schliersee train station. You can either take the Bavarian regional train from the main station (journey time approx. 49 minutes) or park your car at the "Schliersee Bahnhof" parking lot. From there, follow the main road until it branches off to the left into Leitnerstraße. Once you have done this, the yellow markings will guide you upwards - follow the signs towards Schliersbergalm.

The path passes below the valley station, keep right here (the path to the left takes a little longer and is not as scenic) and always follow the signs on the tarred road, which later becomes a forest path, uphill to the Schliersbergalm.

You should plan around an hour's walk for the altitude difference. When you arrive at the Alm, you will be rewarded with inviting Almdudler couches facing the mountain panorama, yeast dumplings & co. from the Almstadl and a whole fridge full of chilled Almdudler. Treat yourself and don't forget to capture your refreshing Almdudler moment with a short photo and send it to us. If you do, you'll be in the draw for an Almdudler package, more information can be found in the "Competition" section.

Activities on site & way down

As soon as you have fortified yourself and soaked up the view of the surrounding mountains and Lake Schliersee at your feet, you can let off steam around the Schliersbergalm. There is a giant trampoline, a mini golf course, a gigantic chess board and a summer toboggan run. For the latter, you can buy a ticket for six euros (single ride for adults) and toboggan back instead of hiking. The fun is definitely on your side with this kind of "descent"!

If you prefer a less spectacular descent, you can walk back down the same way you came up. On the descent, you always have the Schliersee firmly in view and can take in the mountain air and panorama once again.

Directions & Co: What you need to know

Directions by car: Take the Munich - Salzburg highway. Take the Weyarn exit and drive along the B 307 to Schliersee (the town is named after the lake). Once there, turn right to the train station. There are various paid parking facilities at the station and in the surrounding area.

By train: Take the Bavarian regional train from the main station to Schliersee.

Difficulty: Very easy mountain hike for young and old.

Duration of the tour: around two hours in total

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