Hello. Grüezi. Hello.

Keywords: politics, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, dialect

The Servus comes from Florian Gasser from Vienna, Grüezi from Matthias Daum from Zurich and Hallo from Lenz Jacobsen from Berlin. Their common denominator: they are political editors and correspondents for ZEIT Online. So every Wednesday, Swiss German meets Viennese and High German - they discuss (political) debates from the three countries. This transalpine podcast is quite informative and, thanks to the lively exchange in dialect, also extremely entertaining and charming.

Release frequency: every Wednesday on Spotify

Buchinger's diary

Tags: Gossip, self-therapy, detective stories, Vienna

As the podcast name suggests, it's all about the cabaret artist Michael Buchinger: what he has experienced, what he thinks, what sport he has done, what hit he is currently working on, how he is experiencing the corona crisis and so on. Isn't it boring when someone only ever talks about themselves? Uh, no! Because you love listening to Michi tell his stories, a mixture of gossip, self-therapy and detective stories. Especially because he never does one thing: take himself too seriously.

Frequency: every Tuesday on Spotify

The Daily

Tags: America, Trump, New York Times, Politics

What's actually going on in America right now? If you often ask yourself this question, we recommend the podcast The Daily. The daily podcast from the New York Times focuses on one topic every day and talks to relevant people or journalists from its own ranks. This gives the listener a very well-founded and often exciting insight into the American election campaign, Trump's politics or the current handling of corona in America.

Frequency: daily on Spotify

Monthly reading

Tags: book tips, philosophy of life, woman power

"Monthly reading - Lurz and Sauer look back" is a podcast from Munich by Tina Lurz and Anne Sauer. They talk about everything they have read in the past month - whether books, articles or social media posts. They look beyond the covers of their books and find out what stuck with them from the month, what moved them, kept them busy or even annoyed them. They don't yet know exactly what will be discussed each month. But there is always something to laugh about, something to philosophize about and lots of book tips.

Frequency: monthly on Spotify

Everything said?

Keywords: Christoph Amend, Interviews, Time

The concept of Alles Gesagt? goes like this: The interviewers are Christoph Amend (editor-in-chief of ZEITMagazin) and Jochen Wegener (ZEIT Online editor-in-chief). Together they interview extraordinary people from all areas - and they do so until the guest has "said it all". This can take 30 minutes or even 5 hours. We particularly like the episodes with Sophie Passmann, Tim Raue, Lena Meyer-Landruth or Eva Schulz, for example. But we're pretty sure that each of you will find a podcast guest who will give you the full length. Just give it a try.

Frequency: monthly on Spotify

Podcast Ufo

Tags: sense of life, humor, Neo Magazin Royal

Stefan Titze and Florentin Will will sweeten the coming hours at home. The two jokers have been harmonizing behind the mic for years and are simply terribly funny. Incidentally, Florentin and Stefan both worked as writers for Neo Magazin Royal, which explains a lot. They address the topics of the day with dry humor.

Release frequency: every Saturday on Spotify

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