Whether for tidying up, cooking or on the go - we almost always have podcasts in our ears. And so that you can see which podcasts come from Munich, we have put together our best-of for you. You can look forward to a wide range of topics and speakers. Support your local is also great here!


Keywords: subculture, cool places in the city

Subculture in Munich - does it actually exist? Julia Viechtl dispels this preconception and shows that it does indeed exist in our city. Julia is not only a musician and event organizer herself - she is also well connected in the "Fachstelle Pop" at Feierwerk. Together with journalist Esther Diestelmann, she talks to interesting movers and shakers in Munich's subculture.

Frequency: Monthly on Spotify

Plenty of Noise

Keywords: English talk, music, punk rock, emo, alternative

Cadet Carter frontman Nick Sauter doesn't just make music, he also talks about it in his Feierwerk podcast! International musicians from the punk rock, emo and alternative genres have their say in his show and provide insights into the world of a rock band. And there's plenty of great sound on top. Good for all those who are not only fans of the genres mentioned, but have always wanted to know what goes on "behind the scenes" in the music business. As the program is entirely in English, you can also brush up on that on the side.

Frequency: Every second Friday on Spotify or on the Feierwerk website

Canadian wave

Keywords: pop culture, racism, sport, music, identity

Munich, what about your migration background? And how much do you have to adapt to be considered Bavarian? Malcolm Ohanwe and Marcel Aburakia present their views on things in their podcast, sometimes funny, sometimes serious. They deal with various topics such as racism, sport, music and what it's like to grow up as a half-Palestinian in Germany. They bring us closer to their views in an uninhibited and entertaining way. Be sure to tune in!

Frequency: monthly on Spotify

Monday meeting

Keywords: professional life, feminism, Girlfriends Talk

Monday sucks - meetings on that day even more so. But unless you're super rich, we probably have no choice but to go to work for a living. But Dunja and Nessy prove that it doesn't have to be boring! The two of them have funny, sometimes serious and thoroughly likeable conversations about things that concern us in our working lives. For example, the topic of burnout, which is far too rarely heard. Or how to finally assert yourself. With this spirit, things can only get better in professional life!

Frequency: monthly on Spotify

M94.5 TO GO

Keywords: radio, education, knowledge, young people

Radio producersknow that the time for what is said on the radio is limited. Even if it's a non-commercial radio station like M94.5. But what to do with the topics that don't find a place in the program but that you still want to go into more detail about? Well, off to the podcast! Here you can find out more about emotional intelligence, the future of space travel, LGTBQI in Germany, depression in lockdown and much more.

Frequency: 1-2 times a month on Spotify

In the name of pants - or: A little sex is always possible

Tags: Sex, Ariane Alter, Humor

While some find that our society is clearly "oversexed", others think that not everything has been said and explained on this topic. The PULS sex podcast answers questions that you might not even dare to ask. In this podcast, Ariane Alter and Kevin Ebert talk about everything that happens in bed (and beyond). Because knowledge is power in this area too! Experts also take it in turns to be guests, so that the often funny show doesn't lose its seriousness. After all, it's not just sex itself that's fun - talking about it is too!

Release frequency: every Saturday on Spotify

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