NEW & NICE: Here we introduce you to young, innovative and sustainable companies that are making the world a little bit better. And since no one can explain their passion project as well as the creative minds behind it, we save ourselves long introductions and let the creators have their say.

Today we dedicate ourselves entirely to the beautiful things in life, which is what schøn. society specializes in. Whether at nice events or in fashion - the aim is to create a community that celebrates life. But see for yourself 😉👇

Who are you & what is your role in the company?

My name is Karl and I am the creative mind behind "schøn.". I'm a full-time DJ and event organizer and originally come from Nuremberg. But a few months ago I moved to Cologne for love, so now I want to focus my work on this location. "schøn." helps me with this and is a project close to my heart.

How do you explain what you do to your grandma?

Dear Grandma, do you sometimes have moments when you look back on your life and think "Oh, if only I had enjoyed life a little more? Been less annoyed... Laughed more?" With "schøn." we want exactly that not to happen. After all, life is far too short not to enjoy its beautiful sides! We want to experience and celebrate this together at our " schøn." events - in special places with good music and creative cuisine. But "schøn." should be more than just a series of events, it should be a community of like-minded people who affirm life and also communicate this to the outside world. That's why we already have an online store where we sell our own clothes, for example.

How do you make the world a little better or easier?

In Germany, we tend to see and evaluate many things negatively very quickly, whereas we could actually be much happier with many things. We try to remind people here how well off we actually are. When we talk about hedonism, we don't mean that you should only focus on yourself and your own well-being, but that it is still very important to take care of our fellow human beings and our environment. Values such as sustainability, awareness and open-mindedness play a major role for us - for example, our fashion products are all produced sustainably, vegan, fairly and in the highest organic quality on demand. We also have our own collection with the theme "love is schøn.", with which we want to set an example for tolerance, openness and more love for this world.

Working to live or living to work?

As I am very lucky to have found a field of activity that I really enjoy and where I have been able to turn my hobby into a career, I don't see a lot of what I do professionally as work at all.

Where else is the journey going?

Our initial focus is clearly on our events and building our "schøn.society" (the term "community" always sounds so hackneyed 😋 ), but we've already launched an online store with our own clothes. Looking ahead, we already have lots of ideas on how we want to develop and expand the brand together with our followers. I'm thinking, for example, of various lifestyle products of our own such as spirits, accessories, home décor, etc. or larger events such as our own festival or community trips to special places. The big goal, however, is to eventually run our own location in Cologne, which will then become a meeting place for our schøn.society.

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