Urban jungle sounds so much like an Insta trend, and it probably is. But plants really do make life and your own four walls better. At least when you're rewarded with a new leaf for all the watering, repotting and constant tending. If you also want to get into the plant theme or take it even further, here are a few tips from a plant lover. If you have any other tips, please let us know.

© Plantology

Find unusual houseplants at Plantologie

A store with unusual houseplants - what sounds a bit like Harry Potter can actually be found in Glockenbach. Plantologie recently opened a store there which, unlike its pop-up predecessors, is here to stay. It's worth a visit if you want to add a special plant to your urban jungle. Or if you're just starting out and want to be inspired by what you can do. You can also order the plants online, but a consultation with a plant expert never hurts.

Where: Reichenbachstraße 36

© Secondhand Plant

"Don't store, adopt" with Secondhand Plant

What to do with orchids that have stopped flowering, plants that no longer fit after a move or endless cuttings? Real plant lovers know: Don't throw them away, but look for a new home. Karin, who launched Secondhand Plant on Instagram in 2019, is one of these plant lovers.

The idea: Karin picks up unwanted plants, nurtures them if necessary and then posts photos of the plants on Insta. In this way, she sells "used" plants, but also those that she or other Munich residents have raised themselves. The "brokerage fee" is five euros - regardless of which plant, species and size you choose. If you are interested, you can simply write to Karin on Insta and arrange a meeting to hand over the plants.

To make sure you never miss a plant again and find out more about Secondhand Plant, subscribe to the Insta channel and tell lots of people about it. And if a plant no longer has a place in your home, think of Karin and Secondhand Plant and not the garbage can.

© Plant flea market

Find treasures at the plant flea market

The plant flea market also falls into the "sustainable plant shopping" category. Just like at a normal flea market, you can either book a stand space and sell your green treasures. Or you can just drop by and perhaps go home with a new plant.

Last year, the plant flea market took place several times at the Sehrwohl Café in the Westend and this year, too, it is firmly planned - as soon as it is possible again. Until then, the plant flea market is offering online workshops on the topic of urban jungle. Here you can learn more about correct watering, repotting or beginner plants. Simply register if you are interested.

Swap instead of buy at Tauschkomplott

The swap markets run by the Munich-based Tauschkomplott association do not specialize in plants, but you can still find what you are looking for here. Cuttings in particular are often traded here. Similar to a flea market, there are no fixed prices or an "exchange value/point system", but everything is negotiated in a personal exchange. You can find out more about Tauschkomplott, the markets and swapping itself in this article.

© Nelson Ndongala / Unsplash

Find inspiration in the botanical garden

Well, this tip has nothing to do with your own urban jungle, but it could serve as inspiration. Not only can you discover many different plant species in the botanical garden, but you can also get a feel for what type of plant you are. Do you prefer lots of greenery and foliage, or do you feel more comfortable surrounded by cacti? Regardless of this, a visit to the botanical garden - as soon as it is possible again - is balm for the soul. Take your time and discover the almost 20,000 plant species and subspecies.

Where: Menzinger Straße 63

Reading material & Insta recommendation

If you would like to read more about plants and urban jungle, we can recommend the books "Plant Tribe" and "Urban Jungle " by Igor Josifovic and Judith de Graaff. Not only do you get to see great pictures of plants, but also specific care tips & co. For more inspiration, you can also follow the Insta channel of Urban Jungle Bloggers, which provides you with plant pictures from all over the world. And the question of whether you can ever have enough plants is answered with a clear "no".

Many Instagram accounts also offer helpful plant care tutorials. We can recommend Mr. Houseplant aka Vladan Nikolic or Planterina, for example.

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