Exhibitions, Art, Photography & Museums in Cologne

Whether Kunsthafen, MAKK or Kulturbunker. Experience everything from photography, painting, audiovisual works, installations and more - take a deep dive into Cologne's art exhibitions and get inspired. Stop by the opening of your favorite gallery or be the first to know when the new special exhibition at the museum opens.

Current photography & art exhibitions in the museum and galleries and vernissages in Cologne

Are you interested in art and want to get to know Cologne's street art scene and galleries? Have you already discovered the new special exhibition at Museum Ludwig or MAKK? Or chatted with the artist from the gallery next door over a drink at the vernissage? Then take a look at Cologne's upcoming exhibitions. Whether you're interested in contemporary photography, painting or sculpture. Cologne has plenty of art exhibitions to offer. From large museums such as the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud, Roman-Germanic Museum or Rautenstrauch Joest Museum to the many galleries such as the Thomas Rehbein Galerie, Pop;68, ArtyFarty Artspace or Gallery4 - check out the whole range here.