PHOTO: © Florian Kroll

Sequence of a Horse in Motion - VR Installation

In the organizer's words:

### shortlisted for the SXSW art program 2020 ### de/ Die VR-Installation "Sequence of a Horse in Motion" ist die Dokumentation eines Traums der Künstlerin Katharina Haverich. Ein Mann hängt kopfüber und wird von einem Pferd umkreist. Durch ein VR-Headset wird der/die Zuschauer/in eingeladen, die ursprüngliche Traumsequenz der Künstlerin zu betreten, sowie die Position des Performers in der Live-Version des Stückes einzunehmen*. In ihrer Arbeit lässt sich Haverich von ihren eigenen und den Träumen anderer Menschen inspirieren und reproduziert diese zu performativen Inszenierungen. Ihre Arbeit thematisiert die Ephemeralität von Live-Art und Träumen, indem sie experimentelle Formate des Reenactments und der Reaktivierung erforscht. * "Sequence of a Horse in Motion" wurde ursprünglich als Live-Art Event mit einem Pferd und einem Tänzer vor Publikum inszeniert. en/ "Sequence of a Horse in Motion" VR Installation is the documentation of a dream by the artist Katharina Haverich. A man hangs upside down and is circled by a horse. Using a VR headset, the spectator is invited to step into the artist's original dream sequence as well as assume the performer's position in the live version of the piece*. In her work, Haverich is often inspired by her own and other people's dreams, reproducing them into performative events. Her work challenges the ephemeral nature of both live art and dreams, as she explores experimental formats of reenactment and reactivation. * "Sequence of a Horse in Motion" was originally staged as a live art event, performed by a dancer and a horse in front of an audience. Concept: Katharina Haverich 360 Video Creator / VR Editor: Susanne Dickel (IntoVR) VR Author / 360 Video Operator: Martin Heller (IntoVR) 360 Sound Concept and Design: Thomas Wallmann (neuton Berlin) VR Dramaturge: Julian Kamphausen Consulting Producer: Fernanda Parente World Transition Aides: Friedelise Stutte & Michael Hoppe Horse: Abacaxi Horse Trainers: Lene Husch & Lynn Kalinowski Technical Development: Mathias Westebbe (mwb) Music: Christopher Hotti Böhm & Michael Hoppe Production Manager: Katja Wehling Photos: Dajana Lothert Graphic Design: Christin Striegler Funded by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg and part of the residency program schloss bröllin e.V., supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the district of Vorpommern-Greifswald Venue: Alte Münze, Haus 3 , Molkenmarkt 2, 10179 Berlin Slots available by appointment only. Participants must be over 18 years old. The following criteria exclude from participation: Pregnancy Cardiovascular diseases Eye diseases Back injuries Damage to ankle joints Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs cannot participate. In case of doubt about the above criteria, the team of "Sequence of a Horse in Motion" virtual reality installation reserves the right to exclude persons from the Experience, even if they have booked a ticket. Tickets:


Alte Münze Molkenmarkt 2 10179 Berlin


Alte Münze Berlin

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