Andreas Slominski has repeatedly created works of art based on his love of soccer. His most extensive soccer work is the poster series Wohnorte gegen Geburtsorte (1986-1988). It was triggered by the announcement of a match on August 26, 1986, in which the team from his home town at the time, Altona 93, met the club from his birthplace, SV Meppen, which triggered an inner conflict in Slominski. This prompted him to compile a collection of current posters that could evoke similar feelings in other soccer fans.

Places of residence versus places of birth is being presented for the first time on this scale on the occasion of the European Men's Football Championship 2024. The group of works depicts a bygone era of West German men's soccer in a unique breadth. It illustrates the many changes that have occurred since then, both in soccer and in society. At the same time, it raises questions about ties to home and loss of home, about community and antagonism.

For the exhibition at Museum Folkwang, Andreas Slominski has created a monumental chalk drawing for the Rot-Weiss Essen stadium. He wants to have the entire pitch chalked in, leaving out the lines and dots of the pitch markings. More than 140 bags of sports pitch chalk are required to realize the project.