Abgesagt | Anoki "Kopf wie 808"-Tour - präsentiert von Rausgegangen

by Rausgegangen - for you.
In the organizer's words:

When the world falls on you in all its facets, the sensations wash over you like a tidal wave and you feel like your head is vibrating like a booming bass, then perhaps you have just arrived in Anoki's universe.

"I don't know when it started, somehow it was always there." Anoki grew up between brick buildings in Utrecht in the nineties. The son of an Indonesian father with an American passport, he came to Germany with his mother at an early age. The first break in his life comes at the same time as the first big constant: music. It becomes hugely important during this time. While his father is always somewhere, his single mother shows her son how to record tracks from the radio onto a cassette. For Anoki, this opens the door to a new world.

Finding words for what is difficult

Anoki makes rap and writes songs. And along the way, he has understood how emotions that life brings with it can be transformed into a story. His new album "Kopf wie 808" will be released in April 2024 and is a profound journey through the chaos in you, in me - in all of us. The title "Kopf wie 808" is more than just an album name; it is a metaphor for the constant ups and downs, the swirling of thoughts and feelings that rage within each of us. In the world we live in, there is often only time for superficial answers.

"I can't tell you the last time I answered the question 'Hey. How are you?" honestly and calmly. Most of the time, a 'Fine and you?' has to suffice, but there have been so many moments in my life when that was a single lie. Because it's always everything at once, everything booms like hundreds of 808s. Love, friendship, happiness, sadness, loss and loneliness. Everything somehow always comes at the same time"

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