Anxious + Avoidant = Comedy / Stand Up Comedy mit Shari Mari und Marie Harnau

In the organizer's words:

An Anxious-attached and an Avoidant-attached go into a bar. The Anxious-attached says "Hello", the Avoidant replies: "I don't have time." The rest is a series of misunderstandings.

The only thing the two have in common is their love of stand-up comedy and a Virgo in Mercury. Oops, no, they don't have that either.

But now they have put together a comedy show to somehow find a common denominator. This common denominator is the stage of the Interkosmos Bar.

In this comedy show, these two lovable slobs each perform half an hour of their best material. And because they communicate so differently, they can't even agree on a language, so the show is bilingual, the first half in English (by Shari) and the second in German (by Marie). There's something here for everyone (unless you speak another language, oops).

This evening will be hosted by none other than Lena Conella (@lenaconella).

Shari (@sharimari) kicks things off

Who needs therapy when you can just read self-help books (first 2 chapters) and furiously binge videos by life coaches on instagram? This is Shari's current strategy while she confronts her fondness for fuckboys (two), while also trying not to become one in the process (send prayers). Culturally, she's just as disoriented as in her dating life - her parents are German but she grew up in Asia and now she talks loudly and with an American accent (sorry). I told you it, makes no sense. But that's why she's going to use this "halbsolo" to make fun of her silly, chaotic ways in (D)english.

And then comes Marie (@marie.harnau)

Marie mainly asks herself while meditating how to manifest a relationship, or several, because we all live in Berlin. But would actually rather just wear Jack Wolfskin jackets and go hiking. Meanwhile, Marie's family from Baden Württemberg remain puzzled, because the question there is: "Do you still have heterosexual girlfriends in Berlin?" The answer is complex and Marie answers it in a funny way.

Are you anxiously attached? Or avoidantly attached? Then come to this show. We can't help you, but we can laugh with you.

The show starts at 20:00 in the Interkosmos. Reservations expire at 19:50, so be there on time.

We look forward to seeing you!

Shari & Marie

This content has been machine translated.


Interkosmos Fanningerstr. 47, 10365 Berlin 10365 Berlin

Organizer | Miscellaneous

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