artothek berlin – Kunststation Kleinsassen. Zwei Artotheken im Dialog

In the organizer's words:

artothek berlin - Kunststation Kleinsassen
Two artotheques in dialog


Works from the Artothek of the Kunststation Kleinsassen in the pavilion at the Milchhof

With works by Dare Birsa, Susanne Bockelmann, Pola Brändle, Mariano Cornejo, Teresa Dietrich, Ellen van Ess, Lothar Nickel, Christian Rothmann, David Weiss/Michael Lippert

Exhibition opening: 1.8.2024, 7 pm

In the presence of Monika Ebertowski (director of Kunststation Kleinsassen) and Christian Rothmann

Artist Talk: 1.9.2024, 7 pm

Dr. Elisabeth Heil (curator) and David Weiss
Moderation: Jan Gottschalk

The Kleinsassen art station is located in Hesse, not far from Fulda and in the middle of the Rhön. In 1979, the spectacular experiment began to bring international contemporary art to the provinces, far away from the big cities, and to establish a place where artists from all over the world and art enthusiasts could meet. Today, it offers around 1,000 square meters of exhibition space, a sculpture garden and a large art library.
Since the Kunststation was founded, around 2,000 artists have exhibited here, some of whom have taken advantage of scholarship and exchange programs and stayed here for longer periods of time. Efforts have always been made to purchase works of art from these artists. This resulted in a considerable collection of around 1,300 works by around 450 national and international artists, covering almost all styles and subjects as well as all genres from painting, drawing, printmaking and collage to photography and sculpture. This collection has been run as an art library since 1997, attracting a wide range of users. The exhibition, which can now be seen in the Milchhof Pavilion, is a small selection from the wide range of works in the Artothek of the Kleinsassen Art Station - with paintings, decollage/collage, prints and sculpture by artists from the local area:artists from the immediate vicinity (Susanne Bockelmann, Teresa Dietrich, Lothar Nickel, David Weiss/Michael Lippert), from Berlin (Pola Brändle, Ellen van Ess, Christian Rothmann), Slovenia (Dare Birsa) and Argentina (Mariano Cornejo), from former scholarship holders and from exhibitions up to the recent past.

Organizer: artothek berlin

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