PHOTO: © Peter Fogden via Unsplash

ArtSpace Bremerhaven

In the organizer's words:

ARTSPACE BREMERHAVEN... a multifaceted journey of discovery through a creative world and artistic moments of the most diverse genres presented in vacant buildings, stores, pubs, workshops, galleries, stairwells, apartments and on the street.

...shows artists, creatives and visitors from all over the world that Bremerhaven and the Alte Bürger offer endless opportunities to realize themselves and make a difference.

...was launched in 2018 by initiator, Robert Worden, and has proven to be a successful example of how art and culture can contribute to improving the cityscape. more international than ever in 2023. This year's artists were selected from over 340 applications. They come from countries including India, Chile, Japan, Iran and Mexico.

This content has been machine translated.


Alte Bürger Bürgermeister-Smidt-Straße 190 27568 Bremerhaven

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