artspring artwalk Kunstspaziergang durch Bornholm

In the organizer's words:

Opening matinee: May 5, 12 noon
Bornholm's clubhouse in Bornholm I
with tour, performance
Finissage: June 9, 5 p.m.
Bornholm clubhouse II
with tour and performance

Art across all genres is presented in a colorful spring garden landscape. 34 international artists and groups show their work in over 20 plots, the two clubhouses, the still young community garden and on the paths in between. A variety of sculptures of different materials and sizes will be on display inside and outside the gardens, in trees, on fences, on paths, on the walls of the bungalows, buried in the ground. There are performances - from silent disco to dance hikes. This year, the focus is on linking art to site-specific nature themes. Some artists have taken up this year's festival theme artspring berlin 2024 - Zeige deine W_nde directly and are artistically doctoring decrepit and damaged trees that bear witness to our eventful history, linking them to our human vulnerability. In a land art project, vegetation from the Danish island of Bornholm is permanently transplanted here, modeled on the shape of Bornholm and combined with an audio piece consisting of sounds from the Danish-German Baltic Sea region. A suitcase buried with things for posterity anticipates archaeological investigations and carries the image of the site into the future. Some works are directly linked to the weather, for example cyanotopias that are developed by sunlight or artistically shaped ceramics that are embedded in the ground for permanent irrigation and remain there. Even a new typeface will be created using organic objects found in the garden - the process can be followed in the Schleifengarten - from the first tangible letter jelly to the finished Bornholm alphabet.
The works can be seen in the allotment garden throughout May.

The artspring artwalk takes place as part of the Pankow art festival artspring berlin
(May 3 - June 2, 2024).
Further information can be found at

artspring artwalk
Art walk through Bornholm
5 May-2 June 2024
Allotment garden site Bornholm I and II
Bornholmer Straße, 10439 Berlin
Opening matinee: 5 May, 12 noon
Bornholm's clubhouse in Bornholm I
with tour and performance

Finissage: June 9, 5 pm
Bornholm Clubhouse II
with tour and performance

Art across all genres is presented in a colorful spring garden landscape. 34
international artists and groups show their work in over 20 gardens, the two
clubhouses, the new community garden and on the paths in between. A variety of
sculptures of different materials and sizes will be on display inside and outside the
gardens, in trees, on fences, on paths, on the walls of the bungalows and buried in
the ground.
There are performances - from silent disco to dance hikes.
This year, the focus is on the connection between art and site-specific nature themes.
Some artists have taken up this year's festival theme artspring berlin 2024 - Zeige
deine W_nde directly and are artistically doctoring old and damaged trees that bear
witness to our eventful history, linking them to our human vulnerability. In a land art
project, vegetation from the Danish island of Bornholm is permanently transplanted
here, modelled on the shape of Bornholm and combined with an audio piece
consisting of sounds from the Danish-German Baltic Sea region.
A suitcase buried with things for the future anticipates archaeological investigations
and carries the image of the site into the future. Some works are directly linked to the
weather, for example cyanotopes that are developed by sunlight or artistically
molded ceramics that are embedded in the ground for permanent irrigation and
remain there. Even a new lettering type will be created using organic objects found in
the garden - the process can be followed in the Schleifengarten - from the first
tangible letter to the finished Bornholm alphabet.
The works can be seen in the allotment garden throughout May.

The artspring artwalk is part of the Pankow art festival artspring berlin (3 May-2 June
Further information at

This content has been machine translated.


Kleingartenanlage Bornholm I und II Bornholmer Straße 10439 Berlin

Organizer | Festival

artsping berlin
artsping berlin Köln

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