In the organizer's words:

ASTEROID KANE (Americana-Postpunk, Berlin)

Support: Palila (Indie, Hamburg)

"Maybe the next hot shit from Berlin ..."
OX Magazine 4/22

Asteroid Kane is a starry night ride down the highway of handmade indie rock, somewhere between classic 1990s alternative, atmospheric Americana, noisy folk and energetic postpunk. Asteroid Kane are currently promoting their second EP "Marigold" (Recordjet), produced by Michael Haves (Super 700) and mastered by the legendary Andi "Dog" Jung (Beatsteaks, Seeed, KIZ, Bela B., Fehlfarben, Acht Eimer Hühnerherzen and others).

This content has been machine translated.


Stereo Wonderland Trierer Straße 65 50674 Köln

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