PHOTO: © Waschhaus Potsdam

Bastian Bielendorfer

In the organizer's words:

"MR. BOOMBASTI - A superhero in his world"

No stage. No audience. No laughter. Isolation. A life in slow motion. Two years of standstill. Finally over: now our lives are back, laughter is back and with it "MR. BOOMBASTI" alias Bastian Bielendorfer.

Fat boy with a pageboy cut. Speech impediment. The eternal certificate of participation. Teacher's kid and victim of bullying. Not a good start and yet rarely has anyone made so much out of so little: bestselling author. Sold-out tour. His own TV show. Because humor is stronger than muscles. And the mind doesn't get wrinkles. Basti is a superhero in his world. Because how else do you almost make it to the final of the most popular dance show on the planet, even though you dance like a bag of nuts? To have two successful podcasts despite having a lisp worse than the Colgate beaver? Simple. By turning your weaknesses into strengths.

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Waschhaus Potsdam Schiffbauergasse 6 14467 Potsdam

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