Berlin Design Week 2024 Panel: Die Zukunft nachhaltiger Ernährung in Städten

You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

Design Week 2024:
Panel "The future of sustainable food in cities -
food trends of tomorrow"

🌱 What could the future of food in urban areas look like and what transformative trends are already emerging?

In urban areas, interest in sustainable food is becoming increasingly important, driven by growing environmental and climate awareness
. Societal changes, technological innovations and economic influences are playing a significant role in shaping future food trends. Emerging trends include plant-based diets, cultured meat and fish, regenerative foods, zero-waste concepts and fusion cuisine.
These developments have potentially far-reaching implications for urban living spaces and their infrastructures, as they can influence the demand for certain locations and facilities

💡 Join us as we examine these trends in more detail together with experts as part of the BERLIN DESIGN WEEK at BE-U Behrens-Ufer on 30.04.2024.

Together with the experts, we will shed light on the actual feasibility of these developments in urban living spaces
: Are the existing infrastructures and resources sufficient to enable a more sustainable diet in urban living spaces? What challenges could arise in integrating these trends and how can they be overcome?

📣 Learn more about the feasibility of these trends in urban living spaces and join us for a discussion about their long-term impact on businesses and consumers.

🗓️ Date & time: April 30, from 17:00 to 18:00/admission from 16:30
📍 Location: BE-U Behrens Ufer, Ostendstraße 1-14, 12459 Berlin

💬 Contributors:
Monika Schreiner from food4future Nahrung der Zukunft
Tim Fronzek from GmbH
Sarah Decoine from BettaFish
Lidia Fabian - Expert in Global Communication & Brand Strategy in Tech
Joern Gutowski from Zeevi Kichererbsen

Moderation: Natalie Tacke from BE-U I Behrens-Ufer

We cordially invite you to register!
#foodlabs #innovationlabs #beu #futurefoodtrends #berlin

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Registration is required.


Peter Behrens Bau Ostendstraße 1-4 12459 Berlin

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