PHOTO: © Achim Käflein

Bernd Lafrenz "Richard III." König Richard der Dritte frei nach Shakespeare

In the organizer's words:

Bernd Lafrenz "Richard III"
King Richard the Third, freely adapted from Shakespeare

Richard, Duke of Gloucester, is hunchbacked and limping. He dislikes dancing and feasting and prefers fierce war to serene peace. Deceived by nature's outward charms, he decides to become an arch-villain and eliminate anyone who stands in his way. He will use any means necessary to conquer the royal throne still occupied by his brother King Edward the Fourth of the House of York. He incites King Edward against his brother George, Duke of Clarence, who is then taken to the Tower and meets his untimely end there. His next feat follows. Richard continues to pursue his plan and uses flattering words to win the hand of Princess Anne, who at first angrily rejects him as the murderer of her husband and father, but then allows herself to be won over by his hypocritical, ensnaring words. When his sick brother King Edward dies, nothing seems to stand in his way to the throne. But there are still a few obstacles and surprises waiting for Richard. A game of intrigue about power and greed for power begins, which ends, as so often in the history of mankind, with the words: "The king is dead, long live the new king! From the jury's laudation for the Baden Württemberg Honorary Prize for Cabaret, awarded in April 2019 in Mannheim Bernd Lafrenz is regarded as Shakespeare's ambassador on German cabaret soil. His Shakespeare adaptations are kaleidoscopes, gems for an actor in a wide variety of roles with colorful, witty and curious ideas.
By and with Bernd Lafrenz
Co-directed by Nicole Djandji-Stahl

Price information:
B.O. 23,- €/ 17,- € (reduced) / VVK 18,- € / 13,- € (reduced) (+fees).
This content has been machine translated.


Theater 509 Dreikönigenstr. 23 50678 Köln

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