In the organizer's words:

Joseph Toonga (UK)
DO 21:00 - 21:35 Aegidiimarkt,
FR 16:00 - 16:35 Stubengasse, FR 19:00 - 19:35 Aasee Park,
SA 14:00 - 14:35 Hamannplatz and 17:00 - 17:35 Aegidiimarkt

This dance on the asphalt is about the attacks to which Black bodies are subjected. With a group of strong dancers and the empowering energy of hip hop, up-and-coming choreographer Joseph Toonga asks how prejudices can be overcome.

This dance on asphalt is about the aggressions that Black bodies are subjected to. With a group of captivating dancers and the empowering energy of hip hop, emerging choreographer Joseph Toonga asks how prejudice can be overcome.

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Aegidiimarkt Aegidiimarkt 48143 Münster

Organizer | Festival

FLURSTÜCKE Verschiedene Locations in Münster 48 Münster

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