PHOTO: © © Cinémathèque Leipzig


In the organizer's words:

BRD/AUT/GBR/FRA/DNK/QAT, Feature film, 110 min

Directed by Jessica Hausner.

Language: OmU (English with German subtitles).

A young teacher arrives at a boarding school for children of rich parents. She is asked to give a course on conscious nutrition. This goes down well with the young people, because it's about important things and they all want to be important: Health, climate, self-care and they could even put a stop to capitalism itself with individual nutritional tactics. The less you eat, the young people are quickly convinced, the greater the self-control, the more lasting the effect on the environment...

With compositional perfection and cold-blooded ambiguity, Jessica Hausner's bitter satire traces the pain points of our contemporary debates and does not shy away from drastic scenes. The pressure of expectations, classism, sectarianism and radicalization are just some of the topics the film addresses. Like Hausner's previous works, CLUB ZERO shines in bright colors, an extraordinary aesthetic and grotesque humor.

ENG: A young teacher comes to a boarding school for children of rich parents. Here, she is supposed to give a course on "conscious eating". This is well received because individual nutritional tactics could put a stop to health and climate change and even capitalism itself with it. So the students are quickly convinced that the less you eat, the more lasting will be your positive effect on the environment...
Jessica Hausner's bitter satire on contemporary debates does not shy away from drastic scenes. Pressure of expectation, classism and radicalization are just some of the themes the film targets with bright colors, extraordinary aesthetics and grotesque humor. (English with German subtitles)

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

- 7.00 € (regular) - 5.50 € (reduced*) - 3.50 € (with Leipzig Pass, disabled pass, volunteer pass) - Films longer than 130 min: + 1.00 € - Tickets are available online (plus € 0.70 booking fee), remaining tickets at the Box Office.


CINÉMATHÈQUE Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 109 04275 Leipzig


Cinémathèque e.V. Leipzig

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