PHOTO: © Maximilian Mann

Comic-Ausstellung: Staying West - Comics vom Wilden Westen

In the organizer's words:

Some recent "Indian" and "cultural appropriation" debates have brought the Western into disrepute. But it is worth taking a closer look: What is pure fiction and where did popular art forms such as the comic break a lance for the culture of the indigenous peoples of North America very early on in the 20th century?

Using original exhibits, the exhibition presents the exciting history of the Western in comics, from Karl May to Walt Disney, from Prince Valiant to Bessy and Silver Arrow, from MAD to Ralf König's Lucky Luke parody, and many more...

This content has been machine translated.


schauraum: comic + cartoon Max-von-der-Grün-Platz 7 44137 Dortmund


schauraum Dortmund

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