PHOTO: © Bürgerhaus Kalk

commandoTaube! Das Taubenlied - Kunststück! präsentiert ein Open Air Musiktheaterstück

In the organizer's words:

Saturday morning at 5 past 7! A pigeon walks on the tram tracks! Thus begins the play by the notorious sewage fitter Flemming Paul, who sees his dream of becoming a serious actor realized in his portrayal of the dove of peace. A tragicomic play about being seen and wanting to be seen and doves of peace in general. A musical theater with clownish elements, written and performed by Erik A. Werner and Hedy Michels.

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Price information:

reduced 5,00 €

Terms and Conditions for lotteries


Bürgerhaus Kalk Kalk-Mülheimer Str. 58 51103 Köln

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