PHOTO: © Thomas Aurin

COMMUNITY TAG – Festivalabschluss

In the organizer's words:

CommUnity Day: Celebrating together what unites us! Street theater, food and finale

FESTIWALLA 2024 is coming to an end, and like after every party, we're going home again.

At the end of FESTIWALLA 2024, we cordially invite you to the CommUnity Day at our home in Theater X! From 3 pm, you can expect a varied program that will keep the spirit of the last few days alive. The street theater workshops will present what they have learned and developed during the week. Experience how art and politics come together on the street, supported by local Berlin grassroots groups who provided the impetus for the performances. True to the motto "when you eat together, you stick together", we open a buffet - because what connects more than eating together?

The afternoon is all about sharing: together we review the last few days, take away new things, learn from each other, look ahead and strengthen ourselves for the next steps in the class struggle. Leave your impressions and favorite moments on our Festiwalla Day wall, share your experiences and see what has moved others. At the stands you can get your hands on the linocuts and screen prints from Saturday, which were created under the mottos "Strike against war" and "Culture for all" - a piece of FESTIWALLA to take home with you!

For many, home also means fighting together for the survival of the places where we come together, take care of each other and organize our counter-culture: for the financing of our youth clubs, for the self-administration of our spaces and against the repression of artistic workshops. Our CommUnity Day is meant to be a family celebration where we celebrate the connections that these days have created. Whether as participants or as guests - everyone is cordially invited to share this special highlight and recharge their batteries for what comes next. We look forward to a wonderful finale!

15:00 - 19:00, Theater X (Wiclefstr. 32, 10551 Moabit)

to the overview FESTIWALLA

This content has been machine translated.


Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Linienstraße 227 10178 Berlin

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