In the organizer's words:

Discover unique treasures and bargains at our COZY INDOOR FLOHMARKT in the CANDY - MUCBOOK CLUBHAUS. Come and browse together, we look forward to seeing you!
Fancy a drink afterwards? The new "ROODY" bar on the first floor is open for you from 6 pm!

Would you like to sell?
Send an email to by 18.2.
Stand fee 10 € for approx. 2.5 meters of stand.
We will provide tables, if required you are welcome to bring a clothes rail.

Saturday, 24.2. | 3-7 p.m.
3rd floor, Candidplatz 9

Free admission

This content has been machine translated.


CANDY – ein MUCBOOK CLUBHAUS Candidplatz 9 81543 München

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