PHOTO: © Thomas Seifert & Arndt Liebig

CROSSING PATHS – Straßenfotografie von Albert Hennig und Thomas Seifert

In the organizer's words:

A WARM INVITATION to the art exhibition "CROSSING PATHS - Street Photography by Albert Hennig and Thomas Seifert".
The exhibition will be ceremonially opened on Friday, May 24 from 7 pm in the exhibition hall of Ars Avanti e.V. in the Alte Handelsschule.

- Vernissage: 24. 5. 2024, 7 pm with music
- Artist talk with Thomas Seifert and photographic lecture by Andreas Albert "Albert Hennig - Bauhaus impulses, color paths and inner emigration in the GDR": 1. 6., 4 pm
- Finissage with photographic lecture by Thomas Bauz "Albert Hennig - from photography to drawing to woodcut": June 16, 4 pm
- Duration: 24. 5. - 16. 6. 2024
- Opening hours: Mon - Thu 9am-12pm, Fri + Sat 3pm-6pm and on request
- Info/ contact: /
- Location: Alte Handelsschule, Ars Avanti Kunstraum, 2nd floor, Gießerstr. 75, 04229 Leipzig, entrance courtyard
(Parking available in the courtyard)

The exhibition "Crossing Paths - Street Photography" brings together photographs by two artists from different generations, whose common ground lies in their focus on fleeting everyday situations of people in their respective living conditions: Photographs taken by Leipzig-born Bauhaus artist Albert Hennig between 1928 and 1933 and Leipzig-based author and street photographer (photosopher) Thomas Seifert from 2002 to the present day.
26 years after Hennig's death, his photographs are being shown for the first time in the auditorium of his former elementary school, now the ARS AVANTI art space in the Alte Handelsschule.
Albert Hennig's pictures primarily reflect the period of the Great Depression and are in the tradition of the social documentary workers' photography movement of the Weimar Republic. Thomas Seifert's pictures focus on people from different cultures all over the world. Despite the distance in time and space, both bodies of work show some astonishing parallels in their artistic handwriting and form a unity in an expansive presentation.

In a discussion and guided tour of the exhibition on June 1, 2024, the artist Thomas Seifert and Andreas Albert, contemporary witness and long-time (artist) friend of Albert Hennig, will discuss questions of ethical and aesthetic contexts and peculiarities. Particular attention will be paid to those photographs by Albert Hennig and Thomas Seifert that show recognizable overlaps in the artistic style and motif. These form the starting point for further questions and lead to the lecture "Albert Hennig - Bauhaus Impulses, Color Paths and Inner Emigration in the GDR" by Andreas Albert.

The exhibition will end with the lecture "Albert Hennig - from photography to drawing to woodcut" by Hennig specialist and collector Thomas Bauz.

We are very excited and look forward to your visit!

The exhibition takes place as a satellite exhibition of the f/stop festival with the kind support of the DVF Saxony and the Leipzig city district budget.

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Alte Handelsschule ARS AVANTI Space Gießerstraße 75 04229 Leipzig

Organizer | Event Series

Kunstverein ARS AVANTI e.V.
Kunstverein ARS AVANTI e.V. Köln