PHOTO: © Kyle Head via Unsplash

Curlew Love Songs

PICK OF THE DAY Active & Creative
You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

"Curlew River" by Benjamin Britten and the world premiere of "Curlew Love" by Cymin Samawatie

Text by William Plomer and Pauline Jacob

Join us on a joint expedition with an audio walk from Theater Aachen to the Citykirche St. Nikolaus!

Where: Meeting point and start at Theater Aachen

How: In the foyer of the theater you will receive headphones and be assigned to four groups. The route leads each group with a musical audio walk - led by a guide - to the Citykirche St. Nikolaus (walking time approx. 15 minutes). Once in the church, you will then experience the second part of the world premiere for women's choir by composer Cymin Samawatie and the church opera by Benjamin Britten for male voices. There is free seating.

When: 19:00 start of the audio walk on the theater forecourt (headphones available and Box Office in the foyer from 18:15)

For people with walking disabilities: If you are not so good on your feet, you can also come directly to the Citykirche and receive headphones there for relaxed listening to the audio walk while seated. Please let the ticket office staff know when you buy your ticket.

Bad weather: We also go on expeditions in the rain. Please remember to bring an umbrella and weatherproof clothing, especially for your head (and headphones!)

Box Office: Only in the theater - not in the Citykirche!

More about the play:

The Curlew - in German: Brachvogel - is known for its touching song. He is at home on the banks of the Curlew River and sings about how an "excess" of emotion is sometimes just the right amount. "Curlew Love Songs" is a musical theater evening of polyphonic stories about new ways of being a father, saving the curlews and about love as a community-building practice.
To this end, Britten's "Curlew River" - composed for male voices in a church setting - meets a lovingly approachable musical theater by Cymin Samawatie. Based on Britten's story about the search for a lost child, we encounter several narratives by Aacheners in the framing world premiere. Whether in sonorous solo arias, expansive female choirs or in interview-o-sounds - in their stories, they dream of a radically caring society. The artistic team of mostly female theater makers not only guides us through the church space, but also through the city in musical headphone audio walks.

A co-production with the Stadttheater Gießen

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Theater Aachen Theaterplatz 1 52062 Aachen

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