In the organizer's words:

The young ensemble embarks on a journey to find out what lies behind the paintings of famous artists. The aim is to explore the questions: "Why did the painter paint the picture this way and not differently? What ideas and fantasies are behind it?" The aim is to explore the respective painting through the art of dance. The versatility and tireless drive of the famous universal genius of the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci, to explore and understand the world around him is the guiding principle of the NRW Junior Ballet project.

A project by NRW Juniorballett - Choreographies by Douglas Lee, Gaj Žmavc, Marijn Rademaker and Marco Goecke - Music by Nicolas Sàvva, Gaj Žmavc, Peter Tschaikowsky, Tom Waits and others.

This content has been machine translated.


Opernhaus Dortmund Platz der Alten Synagoge 44137 Dortmund

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