Daniele Gatti dirigiert Schönberg, Strauss und Wagner

In the organizer's words:
Daniele Gatti conducts three works of the late Romantic period that depict existential moments: In Verklärte Nacht, Arnold Schoenberg uses expressive tonal language to describe the state of mind of a pair of lovers on a nocturnal walk, while Richard Straussʼ Tod und Verklärung reflects the emotions and visions of a dying man. Passion made music - nothing else is the opera Tristan und Isolde, in which Richard Wagner sings of an intoxicating love that finds its final fulfillment in death. From it, you will hear the prelude, which expresses painful longing from the very first note, and Isolde's love-death. This content has been machine translated.


Berliner Philharmonie & Kammermusiksaal Herbert-von-Karajan-Str. 1 10785 Berlin

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