PHOTO: © Andreas Reiter


In the organizer's words:

"This is definitely the most honest and mature record DEATHCHANT has ever made." - That's what DEATHCHANT vocalist and guitarist T.J. Lemieux says about the band's third and latest album, "Thrones". It is not only the follow-up to 2021's " Waste", but also the other side of the coin. "While ' Waste' and our self-titled album addressed similar themes, they were more from a problematic point of view," he explains. "'Thrones' is full of reflection, self-realization and solutions to move forward and overcome these problems." Which is not to say that DEATHCHANT have gone soft. Far from it, mate. In fact, "Thrones" is perhaps their heaviest album to date. The band's seamless swirl of classic rock guitar harmonies, syrupy sludge, blues boogie and psych bombast has reached new heights as Lemieux tells powerful tales of reckoning beyond the wall of reason. Thematically, Lemieux and his bandmates - bassist George Camacho, guitarist Doug Stuckey and drummer Joe Herzog - peel back the veneer of self-delusion to reveal the fork in the road. "'Thrones' is supposed to stand for things that rule you, that you worship, that you rely on, or that you think you need," Lemieux says. "Sometimes these things make you feel like you're in control, safe, in control of the world - which often turns out to be untrue over time." This is proven by the lead single "Mirror": The song begins with shimmering Lizzy-isms and leads into a thick groove overlaid with lysergic fireworks reminiscent of the shaggy European movers of decades past. "Mirror is the key to the whole Thrones theme," explains Lemieux. "It's about looking inward to realize what's controlling you, what's consuming you, and how delusional you've been about those things. Your self-awareness is so damn important, and it's not easy to face your truths. You have to admit to yourself that you've intentionally dulled and silenced your mind to distract yourself, to avoid and run away from yourself, from the memory, from the loss, from the truth. At some point you have to face that shit." The languid and dreamy "Mother Mary" is also crucial to "Thrones'" trajectory. "If the album was a book, 'Mirror' would be the first chapter and 'Mother Mary' would be the last chapter, although they're not the first and last tracks for sonic reasons," Lemieux explains. "'Mir ror' says, 'I'm looking inward because some things need to change,' while ' Mother Mary' says, 'Okay, things are fucked up and have gone way too far, but now we have this understanding - and acknowledging things is the key to overcoming.'" "Thrones" was recorded live in a cabin in the remote mountain community of Frazier Park, California, with trusty recording engineer Steve Schroeder (aka Schroeds). "We moved in for a week, rehearsed a bit and got started," says Lemieux. "Each track had three or so takes, but we got "Mother Mary" and "Canyon"down pretty well. "Overall, it's a pretty dark record," Lemieux says. "It's serious and leans into heavy themes, sometimes using metaphors and imagery to soften those blows, but sometimes it hits straight on. Nevertheless, it's positive - and cathartic. It always teeters on the edge of total madness and flirts with mental dereliction. It's our best realized and most ambitious album to date." (Source: Swamp Booking | Translation: Feierwerk)


The trio HIDAS unleash a dark soundscape that explores the boundaries of doom metal. Florian Bätz (guitar), Richard Noyn (bass) and Christoph Mühlbauer (drums) form a haunting instrumental experience that transports listeners into a captivating world of heaviness. The profound sounds and powerful rhythms of HIDAS promise a unique journey through the abysses of the doom metal genre. Immerse yourself in a sonic adventure without words, where every note tells a dark and leaden story (source: band info)

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Price information:

VVK: 17,00 Euro plus fees


Feierwerk/ Kranhalle Hansastraße 39-41 81373 München

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