„Der Glaube fährt mit der Straßenbahn“

In the organizer's words:

We encounter and are guided by norms and unwritten rules of conduct every day in our private and public lives: in conversations and political debates, in our clothing or when shopping for specially certified foods such as halal, kosher or vegan.

The exhibition "Faith travels by streetcar" invites you to reflect on the rules and conventions that play a role in religious and non-religious contexts :Does religious belief necessarily mean a restriction of the individual's freedom? How do religious and secular beliefs become visible in everyday life?

Both religious and secular normative practices that structure and regulate public and private life require the use of certain objects. The exhibits are assigned to different subject areas such as "Food", "Clothing and Fashion" and "Children's Toys and Education" and are presented in a changing exhibition design by artist Tim Graeves.

Using everyday objects, the exhibition looks at rules and conventions in the monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam as well as secular beliefs. The objects on display bear witness to the fact that rules and norms that restrict the freedom of the individual exist in all societies, but are constantly being questioned, renegotiated and changed.

This content has been machine translated.


Mitte Museum. Pankstraße 47 13357 Berlin

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